About Us


Rhys (he/him)

  • Owner

  • Designer

  • Full-Time Production

  • Customer Care

  • Packaging and Shipping

“The heart and soul of N2Operation. No matter the time of day Rhys can be found putting his all into the success of our growing business. Handling everything from creative conception to putting the final touches on various accessories you’ll be hard pressed to find a more passionate shop owner. When he’s not focused on creating new content you can often find him crafting incredible new looks or enjoying questionably bad horror movies.”

Art by our dear friend Zachary. To check out more of their stuff go to their Facebook at Sallysart


Adrian (she/he/they)

  • Co-Owner

  • Video Editor/Technical Wizard

  • Full-Time Production

  • Customer Care

  • Packaging and Shipping

“The left brain of N2Operation. Adrian specializes in video production so all editing goes through her. When not working with the camera she can also be found doing general troubleshooting and making sure the website is running smoothly. In her down time you’ll often find her enjoying narrative adventure games or reading original works from budding writers. “

Art by our dear friend Zachary. To check out more of their stuff go to their Facebook at Sallysart

Our Ambassadors

chaohrem_ (he/him)

Hello there! ^^ I'm Chaohrem and a passionate Cosplayer since 2014- but also share different alternative Fashion aesthetics like Gothic, victorian-, Ouji- or J-Fashion, etc. I love being creative and bringing my imaginations to life. I feel honored having the chance to be part of the n2operation family and to combine their fantastic art with my creativity and own style ☆

ratherobscure (he/him)

RatherObscure is a multifandom cosplayer & artist from the Pacific Northwest. He's best known for hosting several small community-focused cosplay events in his area and cosplaying dog boys. Sewing is his strong suit, and he makes a lot of his cosplays by hand. He's got a passion for creativity in all it's forms.

unidentifiedtrex (any pronouns)

Hi! My name is T-Rex, yes like the dinosaur haha, I am a lover of anime, fashion, hair, beauty and the mysteries of life and the unknown, dressing up and creating new looks is one of my fav things in life, life is to short to wait to wear a certain outfit! Fashion is art so be the walking art piece you want to be! I grew up watching anime even before I could really talk and as I grew I always loved the aesthetic and style most anime charters had, so when I became a adult and acquired adult money I started my fashion journey into what it is today so you could say I am very much heavily influence by anime. I’m quite the introvert which you would never be able to tell by the way I present myself, but I’m a believer in decorating your RL character because at the end of the day you are the consciousness stuck inside your vessel so decorating myself through fashion is what bring light to my life 💕

irltrancy (he/him)

My name’s Eden! I’ve been a cosplayer for about six years cosplaying video games to anime. I love jewelry and fun fashion, and love this company’s products!

rayne_fel (he/they)

Hi! I'm Rayne, and I'm a multi-media cosplayer who is currently based out of Hawaii. I enjoy Twisted wonderland, Nu: Carnival, as well as various idol boy groups, horror based games, and otome games. (A truly mixed bag lol) But I can't wait to share all of the stylish and cute products from this shop to y'all!! ♡ ~('▽^人)